If space is not a constraint, no pruning is necessary except to remove any dead branches. Some growers prefer to shape their trees artistically or to thin out interior branches to better expose the graceful main branches, especially in winter.
The flowers are showy, light to dark magenta pink in color, 1.5 cm (½ inch) long, appearing in clusters from Spring to early Summer, on bare stems before the leaves, sometimes on the trunk itself.
Dogwoods have simple, un-toothed leaves with the veins curving distinctively as they approach the leaf margins.
They are grown for their flowers, bark, and fall color. All need similar conditions to grow well, requiring good drainage, air circulation (to discourage leaf diseases), watering during drought, and soil appropriate for the species.
It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing 10–20 metres (33–66 ft) (exceptionally up to 28 metres (92 ft)) tall, with a trunk up to 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) (exceptionally 4 metres (13 ft)) diameter. The bark is thin, scaly brown, coming off in small flakes aligned with the stem.
This shrub is typically flat-topped and densely branched. Bright blue needles hold their color all year but are brighter in summer. A unique accent for that special spot.
It grows in the wild to about 23 m (75 ft), but when planted in parks and gardens it seldom exceeds 15 m (49 ft) tall by 5 m (16 ft) wide. It is a columnar or conical evergreen conifer with densely growing horizontal branches. It has scaly grey bark on the trunk with yellowish-brown branches.
Alberta spruce is a popular, slow-growing , dense conifer that is widely available at retail and garden centers throughout Canada.
Native to Asia, this large bush has a natural open form that shows well in borders, beds and even containers. Almost any site and soil condition is sufficient when growing burning bush plants.
According to a recent survey of 4,000 landscape professionals, boxwood (Buxus) is the most popular shrub in North America. This versatile shrub grows dense and slow and is perfect for shaping. The fact that it is very rarely eaten by deer, has made it the landscapers go to plant.
Rhododendrons have fibrous roots and prefer well-drained soils high in organic material. In areas with poorly drained or alkaline soils, rhododendrons are often grown in raised beds using media such as composted pine bark. Mulching and careful watering are important, especially before the plant is established.
It is an evergreen shrub which grows as a vine if provided with support. As such it grows to 20 m (66 ft), climbing by means of small rootlets on the stems, similar to ivy. Upon reaching high enough into the crowns of trees to get more light, it develops into an adult, flowering phase. It is a very invasive plant that can often dominate a garden.
These plants will do well in conditions where they are receiving mostly sun.
These plants will do well in conditions where they are receiving some sun and some shade.
These plants will do well in conditions where they are receiving mostly shade.
These stately and spectacular tall plants are essential to any perennial border. They need rich, well-drained soil; incorporate well-composted manure in the planting mix and add a mulch or top dressing of manure annually.
Daylilies are the heart of the mid-summer perennial garden. Daylilies flower non-stop through the heat of July and August (Stella d'Oro continues through September). They have a fabulous colour range — apricot, bronze, crimson, gold, lemon, mahogany, maroon, orange, pink, purple, red, violet and yellow. They are tough, hardy and reliable.
Tall phlox are invaluable for continuing the summer-long display of colour in the perennial border. Use a lavish hand with these brilliant flowers, choose a few kinds and plant them in irregular drifts for a magnificent display. There are a variety of colours from which to choose, many with a contrasting eye.
Peonies are long-lived plants that will continue to flower for generations. They need never be disturbed, although if moving them becomes necessary, the large clump should be reduced to sections with three to five "eyes." A large clump moved whole would most likely cease flowering.
Unlike the common wild iris or flag that flourish in wet, swampy places, the tall bearded iris are dry-land plants that need a sunny location and well-drained soil. In planting, the rhizomes should be set just below the surface of the soil. The growing point is at one end of the rhizomes.
Oriental poppies set the June garden afire with a blaze of colour. They need only well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. To plant poppies, set the root straight down into a planting hole, deep enough that the crown is covered by at least three inches of soil. The plant foliage is downy with fine hairs.